Fatigue Management Courses

Fatigue Management Courses

Fatigue Management Courses Newcastle, Port Stephens, Central Coast, North Coast & Brisbane.

Course: ‘Apply Fatigue Management strategies’

Upcoming Course Dates Newcastle:

Monday 24th February

Thursday 27th March

Thursday 1st May

Qualifications: (TLIF0005) a statement of attainment will be issued on successful completion of this course.

Who Is This Course Designed For:

This course is intended for drivers who require the knowledge and skills to apply fatigue management strategies to reduce fatigue during working activities. Any driver who operates truck and trailer combinations over 12 tonne GVM and 12+ seater busses who wish to operate over 12 hours(up to 14 hours)within their company accreditation.

Course Duration:  5 hours

Cost: $375pp

CS Transport Training delivers nationally recognised training. Training & assessments are delivered on behalf of Raise Training RTO 91655

Course: Administer Fatigue Management

Qualifications: (TLIF0006) a statement of attainment will be issued on successful completion of this course.

Who Is This Course Designed For:

This course is designed for anyone in the transport industry dealing with scheduling, management of trucks (over 12 tonne), busses (12+ seats) and drivers under the fatigue management accreditation scheme issued under the NHVR. 

Course Duration: 5 hours

Cost: $395pp

Onsite courses available (conditions apply). 

For further details call 0434 366 758 email chris@cstt.com.au

Course Enquiry Form

Fatigue Management,Fatigue Management Courses,Transport Training - CS Transport Training

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